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Steve Davis
48 years
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victoria davis

I don't really have a specific memory of Mr. Steve, He was forever leaving a smile on my face. 

  I have lived my life not knowing what a loving father was, until I met him.  I didn't get to spend alot time with him, but the days and times I was blessed with are forever in my heart.  When I first came into the Family I was expectimg my first child and was very unsure of what he and Miss Debbie would think of me...Well we all know how they did.  I am truly a very blessed girl.  I was excepted into this family with everything but regret. 

  My mom was never liked by her in-laws and i was very scared because I thought that was what would happen to me, but oh how wrong I was. I remeber all the times Mr.Steve would ask me if I anything. He was always thinking about anyone but himself. oh he was always asking me if I wanted coffee. lol  And we would sit in the living room at any time of day and drink instant coffee.  Now every time I see Folgers coffee I think about those time.  I could never asked for better in-laws..but in truth Mr. Steve is like a father I never had.  I miss him very much. Mr.Steve would be so proud of Jason and the man he has become over these past months.  He told me once that he was so glad that I was his daughter in-law and I never got the chance to tell him how that made me feel.  I also remember he would tell Miss Debbie,"i love you" like every 2 minutes.  I would think to myself, i hope that in 15 years me and jason are still like Miss Debbie and Mr.Steve.   I am so thankful for them both and just wish that I had a chance to spend more time with him before he passed, but I know that he is in a better place and one day we will all be reunited . For that I am happy.  

  He loved his grandchildren like no one I had ever seen before.  he was always letting them do something that mommy and nanna wouldn't let them do.  He had such a way with them!  That is why I thought this would be a good picture...this was taken on Chloe's first birthday...her Poppa, unknown to all of us, had given her a milkyway...this is what happened.  It was so funny, the way she looked at him when I walked back in the room like, "you got me in trouble"  I thought it was the funniest thing....

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